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ERNASIA (Environmental Research Network Asia) is an independent, multi-disciplinary research network that provides an international forum for academic cooperation, exchange and debate on environmental problems in Asia. If such a topic is actual for you, or you are looking for a platform with relevant information, the best essay writing service is a good solution for you to cover all the points of the case. On this website we provide information on news, projects, conferences, publications and institutions researching the environment in Asia. We hope that will become a central source of information for researchers, professionals, teachers and students, encouraging further debate and scholarship. To keep up to date with news and events subscribe to the ERNASIA newsletter and mailing list. Remember, a network is only as strong as its actors, so to ensure becomes a ‘living’ node for contact, information and exchange we need your ideas, contributions and feedback. Have a look at the website, think about what improvements can be made, then contact us at
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This booklet reports the main findings from the 10 PhDs completed under AGITS, a 4 year research project of the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University. The main questions addressed by the booklet include: What role can governments, industries, branch associations, international traders, local communities and non governmental organisations play in motivating producers and consumers to adopt more sustainable practices? What democratic space do members of the public have to campaign against polluting (state-owned) plants? What role can researchers from OECD countries play in facilitating more sustainable practices?
Click here for the BOOKLET AGITSboek1724 (506.67 kB 2008-10-23 14:17:32)
Studying environmental governance at Wageningen |
The Environmental Policy Group (ENP) has launched a new website about studying environmental governance at Wageningen University. This website introduces six key environmental governance and management issues that can be studied in Wageningen University. For each issue, i.e. Marine environment, Sustainable consumption, Climate governance, Greening industry, Food governance, and Natural resources, an overview is given which majors or specializations and which master programs can help in studying that particular issue. The website helps students to choose their preferred Master program based on the environmental governance issue(s) that they are interested in as well as the more general characteristics of that Master program.
More information can be found at
GEF/SCCF provide US$5M to China for adaptation to climate change |
BEIJING, April 18, 2008 Yesterday the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a grant of $5 million from the Special Climate Change Fund of the Global Environment Facility to the People's Republic of China to help adapt the country's water and agricultural sectors to climate change. The grant would be partially blended with the ongoing, Bank-financed Irrigated Agriculture Intensification III Project (IAIL3, IBRD Loan US$200 million) which would be modified to incorporate climate change adaptation. |
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