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  Home Publications Bush, S. R. (2003). "Using a simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural ..
Bush, S. R. (2003). "Using a simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural ..
Bush, S. R. (2003). "Using a simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural aquaculture in the wider environment." Aquaculture Asia 8(1): 40-42.

A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool for ollection, storage, analysis and presentation of spatial data,
essentially computer based mapping. There is currently much xcitement over GIS as a solution to many different social,
environmental and operational problems. This popularity can ake away from the very functional role that a GIS, as a tool for
spatial analysis, can provide. This article discusses the role that a simple GIS can play in assessing the development patterns of fish ponds and as a low cost tool for broader social environmental analysis in an
information poor country. Preliminary findings are presented as examples for analysis. These examples use fish ponds, a onedimensional resource, as a means of representing the wider multi-dimensional environment.

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