What is ERNASIA?

Over the years, the Environmental Policy Group of Wageningen University has built up a regional network on environmental policy research through projects in China, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. The focus of research currently encompasses issues of:

    • International trade and environment
    • Ecological modernization
    • Industrial ecology
    • Rural/peri-urban society and environmental policy
    • Natural resource management

      In view of the scale of environmental problems in East Asia, the idea was born to set up an independent "Environmental Research Network Asia". The ERNASIA is not only meant to bring together research projects on environmental management and policy in Asia, but also develops a wide range of activities such as the organisation of seminars and conferences, the provision of short-term research fellowships, and the establishment of the ERNASIA Newsletter.

      At present the ERNASIA is funded through the Environmental Policy Group of Wageningen University. We aim to make the Environmental Research Network Asia a vibrant and powerful forum for interested scholars and professionals.