Southeast Asian nations reach energy agreement |
Wang Yu 16 January 2007 Source: SciDev.Net [BEIJING] Sixteen Asian and Pacific countries have signed an agreement to boost energy efficiency and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The Cebu Declaration on East Asian Energy Security was signed by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its six regional partners, including China and India, at a summit in Cebu, the Philippines, on Monday (15 January).
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Greenhouse gases hit new high, may be Asia growth |
By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
OSLO (Reuters) - Greenhouse gases widely blamed for causing global warming have jumped to record highs in the atmosphere, apparently stoked by rising emissions from Asian industry, a researcher said on Friday.
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Once a dream fuel, palm oil may be an eco-nightmare |
Cleaner than fossil fuels like coal, biofuel has generated enthusiasm from governments and energy companies alike, but many have overlooked the complexities of the product
By Elisabeth Rosenthal NY TIMES NEWS SERVICE, AMSTERDAM Saturday, Feb 03, 2007, Page 9
Just a few years ago, politicians and environmental groups in the Netherlands were thrilled by the early and rapid adoption of "sustainable energy," achieved in part by coaxing electricity plants to use biofuel -- in particular, palm oil from Southeast Asia.
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