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GEF/SCCF provide US$5M to China for adaptation to climate change
BEIJING, April 18, 2008 Yesterday the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a grant of $5 million from the Special Climate Change Fund of the Global Environment Facility to the People's Republic of China to help adapt the country's water and agricultural sectors to climate change. The grant would be partially blended with the ongoing, Bank-financed Irrigated Agriculture Intensification III Project (IAIL3, IBRD Loan US$200 million) which would be modified to incorporate climate change adaptation.
Pondering Energy Conservation
Rajendra K. Pachauri, a 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate born in India, and Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Development Program Resident Representative in China, jointly answered questions raised by Beijing Review

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China–Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Irrigated Agriculture

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2008- The following project was approved today by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors:



GEF Grant:  US $5 million

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project aims to enhance the resilience of agricultural and water development to climate change in the 3H Basin through: (a) selecting, developing, implementing and promoting adoption of selected climate change adaptation measures and techniques by main stakeholders at selected demonstration areas in the 3H Basin; and (b) mainstreaming and incorporating such demonstrated adaptation measures into the national Comprehensive Agricultural Development (CAD) program.


For more information, please call Muhamad Al Arief at (202) 458-5964  or email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


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ADB Initiative to Help Promote Water Projects in the People's Republic of China
(15 April 2008) - The Asian Development Bank is investing $4 million in a new company that will help promote public-private partnerships in water supply and sanitation in the People's Republic of China.

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National Program for Community Empowerment in Rural Areas (PNPM-RURAL) : environmental assessment
National Program for Community Empowerment in Rural Areas (PNPM) for Indonesia is concerned about preserving the environment, ensuring that any negative effects from PNPM rural activities can be avoided or at least mitigated. These PNPM-rural safeguards will: (a) describe procedures for environmental impact analysis in Indonesia; (b) summarize the general approach to environmental management that was taken on the Kecamatan Development Project (KDP) projects; (c) summarize the results of a review of investments and impacts implemented during KDP2; and (d) describe how the results of the review incorporated into the design of PNPM rural. Negative impacts include: erosion and landslides; caused downstream areas to suffer drought from lack of flow; disturbed wildlife in the surrounding forest; became a link in the transportation of illegal logging; and reduction in flow area caused the stream to overflow, causing damage to productive rice fields. Mitigation measures include: (i) incorporate standard guideline requiring design engineer to check effects of incremental water demand on downstream users; (ii) potentially significant but difficult problem to deal with. One option might be to include a prohibition of such investments in the negative list; failure to follow good design principles. Need to find out why communities or their engineering advisers were not applying standard design safeguards; (iii) changing the alignment to reduce steep grades; and (iv) using vegetative treatments to stabilize side slopes or prevent erosion.

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